Get Rid Of Your Credit Card Debt And Start Investing
Eliminate credit card debt from your life, and you will eliminate a lot of
problems from your life. It is very easy to be trapped by credit card debt;
everybody loves that plastic.
Getting out is a different story. Yes, it is complicated, but it is not
impossible. You may only need a little help in doing so.
If you do not have too much credit card debt, the first thing you may want
to try to do is take advantage of zero interest rate offers. Pay down your
interest rate debt and put the balance on a zero rate card, then start to
pay off the principal. This will work if you have good credit, since the
credit card companies will make you this offer. Just remember that this is
an introductory offer, usually for about six to twelve months; if you make
large payments on this card, you will be able to pay the whole loan off
during this period and be done with credit card debt altogether. If your
credit card debts are large, this solution will not work, since you will not
be able to make large enough payments to pay the debt off before the end of
the introductory period.
The solution if you have high credit card debts is to use is either a home
equity credit line, or obtain the services of a credit counseling company.
You will choose a home equity line of credit if your credit card balance is
very high and you are paying high interest rates on those balances. By using
your home as the collateral for a loan, you will obtain an interest rate
which is much more favorable than the high credit card interest rates. You
then pay off the balances on your credit cards and just pay the mortgage
bank for your equity loan. The other option to consider is the services of a
credit counseling firm or a credit elimination firm. The role of a credit
counseling firm is to negotiate with your creditors to lower your monthly
payments to make them affordable for you. The first thing they will try to
do is get the interest rates lowered so that you are paying off part of the
principal each month, instead of just paying interest. A credit elimination
service should really be considered as a last ditch effort if you consider
your debt an extreme case. These companies will try to negotiate lower
balances on your debt, so you don't have to pay off as much and you can get
out from under. However, since the credit card companies are not getting all
of their money, you will not be considered a good risk for the future.
So you see you can get rid of your credit card debt. It may take some
research, a measure of determination and a lot of phone calls, but it is
much better than being drowned in those bills each month because you only
pay the minimum.
About The Author: Focusing on informating about investing, Johnathan Bakers
writes articles principally for . You can find his
articles over at and other
sources for eliminating credit card debt knowledge.